Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2015

Journal behavior the customers to purchase a goods

Journal behavior the customers to purchase a goods

The decision-making process complicated often involves some decisions .A decision involving choice between two or more alternative the act or behavior .Decision always requires choice in between several behavior berbeda.pada the point in decision-making the purchase usually customers would observance of some the important thing such as culture , social , family , personal , psychology .With the above , berulah a customers would take action as a decision the purchase of a product desired .With the those factors usually customers would a chink in the roof beratkan on the culture a recent .Besides of lifestyle , factors are is the progress the consumer behavior termobilisasi to intended products .With the dominant factor this , so products offered by a manufacturer will be more increases time progress .
Consumer behavior is the study of an individual manner , group , organization in selecting , buy , use , and mendisposisikan goods , services , the idea , or experience to satisfy the needs and what they wanted .Before and after do purchases in online stores , a consumer will be doing a number of processes by which form the basis of the decision-making process , people--the 1 .The introduction of a problem ( recognition ) the problem .Consumers will buy a product as solutions to the problems he faced .In the absence of the introduction of problems that arise , consumers can not determine the product to be purchased .2 .Search information (information source ) information source .After perceiving the problem at hand , the consumer will be motivated to seek for information to resolve existing problems through the search information .The process of finding information can be derived from in memory ( internal ) and based on the experience of another person ( external ) . 3.Evaluate alternate ( an alternative evaluation ).After consumers gets various kinds of information, consumers will evaluate the alternatives to solve the problem he faced.4.Decision the purchase ( purchase decision ).After consumers evaluate several alternative strategic that is, customers would make a decision the purchase.Sometimes the time it takes between make a decision a purchase with created of actual not at because the other things that need to be considered. 5 .Evaluation in the aftermath of the purchase of ( post-purchase evaluation ) is the process of evaluation by consumers not only ended during the preparatory phase of decision-making the purchase .After having bought of these products , the consumer will be to evaluate whether the product is in accordance with the hope .In this case , occurring satisfaction and discontent consumers .The consumer will be satisfied if the product is in accordance with the hope and will then increase the demand for a brand of these products in the future .On the contrary , the consumer will be felt dissatisfied if that product is not in accordance with the hope and this would also cut consumer demand in the future .

Factor social
A. group the attitudes and behavior a person affected by many grup-grup small .Group to whom the person be who have a direct impact called membership group .Membership group consisting of two , covering primary groups ( family , friend , neighbors , and colleague and secondary groups a less formal and having interaction a routine that a slight ( religious groups , an association of professional and states trade ) (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, pp. 203-204).
B. family influence family make a big difference in behavior the purchase .Market players has examined the role and influence husband , wife , and child in the purchase of products and services different .Children for example , make a big difference decisions for its involving restaurant fast food (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, p.204).
C. roles and status someone has some groups like family, perkumpulan-perkumpulan, organization.A role consisting of activity expected on a person for undertaken in accordance with those around him.Every the role of bring a status that reflect award common given by the community (Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, p.135).
Faktor Personal
A. economic situation the state of the economy someone will affect choice products, for example rolexes positioned classes of consumers over while timex intended to consumers medium.The economic situation someone is affected election products and decision the purchase by a certain products (Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, p.137).
B. lifestyle the life patterns of the someone who expressed in an activity, interest, and opinion the person.Those who came from culture, the social class, and the same job possible have lifestyle different (Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, p.138)
c. Personality and Self Concept
Personality adalah karakteristik unik dari psikologi yang memimpin kepada kestabilan dan respon terus menerus terhadap lingkungan orang itu sendiri, contohnya orang yang percaya diri, dominan, suka bersosialisasi, otonomi, defensif, mudah beradaptasi, agresif (Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, p.140). Tiap orang memiliki gambaran diri yang kompleks, dan perilaku seseorang cenderung konsisten dengan konsep diri tersebut (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, p.212).
D. age and life cycle stage the change goods and services are bought as to a cycle his life .Flavor food , cover your private parts , a piece of furniture , and recreation often associated with age , bought either formed by family life cycle .Important factors that deals with age often cared for by market players .This may be caused by a large difference in age of those who determine marketing strategy and those who purchase products or service (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, pp.205-206)

E. occupation work someone affect goods and services are bought .For example , construction workers often buy lunch of catering who came to work .Business executive , buy lunch of full service restaurant , while workers office carries his lunch from home or buy from fast food restaurants nearest (Kotler, Bowen,Makens, 2003, p. 207).
Faktor Psychological
A. motivation an urgent need to direct somebody to seeks gratification of the need for.According to the theory maslow, someone controlled by a need for at a time.Of the needs arranged according to a a hierarchy, of most pressing until at least urged ( psikologikal needs, security, social, self-esteem, pengaktualisasian self ).When needs most pressing is been satisfied, these needs cease to be motivator, and men will be then tries to satisfy needs most important next (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, p.214).
b. Perception
Persepsi adalah proses dimana seseorang memilih, mengorganisasi, dan menerjemahkan informasi untuk membentuk sebuah gambaran yang berarti dari dunia. Orang dapat membentuk berbagai macam persepsi yang berbeda dari rangsangan yang sama (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, p.215).
C. learning of learning is a process , who always evolves and changed as a result of the latest information received ( may be obtained from reading , discussion , observation , think ) or of real experience , both the latest information received as well as personal experience act as feedback systems for individuals and provide a basis for the future in the same situation (Schiffman, Kanuk, 2004, p.207).
D. beliefs and attitude beliefs is thought descriptive that a person believe something .Beliefs may be based on knowledge native , opinion , and his kotler , amstrong , 2006 , p.144 ) .While attitudes is evaluation , feeling like it or not like , and tendencies which is relatively consistent than one person at an object or idea (Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, p.145).
Factors cultural
The basic values of , perception , desire , and learned behaviors someone through families and institutions ( kotler other important , amstrong , 2006 , p.129 ) .The best the most basic of desire and conduct of one .Culture , mengkompromikan the basic values of , perception , desire , and learned behaviors one is continuously in an environment (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, pp.201-202).
A. subculture a group of a person who shares value system based on equation experience of life and circumstances , as nationality , religion , and the kotler , amstrong , 2006 , p.130 ) .Although types of buyers in different countries have a sameness of , value , attitude , and behavioir often different dramatically (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, p.202).
B. social class pengelompokkan individual based on similarity in value, interest, and behavior.A social group determined not only by one factor for instance income, but is determined by the job, education, wealth, and other (Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, p.132).

Jurnal Perilaku Konsumen Terhadap Pembelian Suatu Barang

Latar Belakang Masalah
Perkembangan zaman saat ini menuntut konsumen bersikap pintar, cermat, efisien dan efektif dalam memilih produk yang diinginkan. Dengan meningkatnya permintaan konsumen dari berbagai produk, maka produsen berusaha akan memenuhi kebutuhan yang konsumen inginkan. Dengan itu, produsen menciptakan berbagai produk yang bervariatif serta barbagai pilihan produk itu sendiri. Bahkan produsen akan menciptakan produk yang sebelumnya belum pernah dibutuhkan oleh konsumen. Inovasi-inovasi inilah yang menjadi dilema bagi konsumen, apakah mereka akan mengambil keputusan berdasarkan keinginan atau kebutuhan. Maka, konsumen akan melihat faktor-faktor apakah yang cocok bagi mereka, sehingga mereka dapat mengambil keputusan yang tepat dan bermanfaat bagi kehidupannya.
Tulisan ini diharapkan mampu memberikan informasi yang akurat mengenai keputusan konsumen terhadap suatu produk. Agar konsumen dituntut mengambil keputusan yang pintar, cermat, efisien dan efektif dalam rangka pemenuhan kebutuhan serta keinginan pada diri pribadi.
Dalam penelitian ini digunakan data sekunder, sumber yang diperoleh dengan metode ini diperoleh data dari buku-buku referensi dan jurnal-jurnal serta referensi lainnya yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini. Studi konsumen memberikan petunjuk untuk memperbaiki dan memperkenalkan produk atau jasa, menetapkan harga, perencanaan saluran, menyusun pesan, dan mengembangkan kegiatan pemasaran lain termasuk dalam mengetahui perilaku konsumen. Studi ini sepenuhnya mempelajari teori maupun realitas perilaku konsumen, mencakup beberapa fakta penting tentang konsumen dan tren konsumen masa depan, seperti Astra Honda Motor dengan mulai menganalisa pasar dengan perencanaan tren motor ideal terbaik Indonesia. Perilaku pembelian konsumen sebenarnya di pengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor budaya, sosial, pribadi, dan psikologis. Sedangkan faktor yang paling berpengaruh dan paling luas dan paling dalam adalah faktor budaya.
Dari pembahasan diatas telah didapatkan beberapa kesimpulan mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen dalam pemilihan produk.
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen tersebut, sebagai berikut :
1. Kebudayaan.
Kebudayaan ini sifatnya sangat luas, dan menyangkut segala aspek kehidupan manusia. Kebudayaan adalah simbul dan fakta yang kompleks, yang diciptakan oleh manusia, diturunkan dari generasi ke generasi sebagai penentu dan pengatur tingkah laku manusia dalam masyarakat yang ada.
2. Kelas sosial.
Pembagian masyarakat ke dalam golongan/ kelompok berdasarkan pertimbangan tertentu, misal tingkat pendapatan, macam perumahan, dan lokasi tempat tinggal.
3. Kelompok referensi kecil.
Kelompok ‘kecil’ di sekitar individu yang menjadi rujukan bagaimana seseorang harus bersikap dan bertingkah laku, termasuk dalam tingkah laku pembelian, misal kelompok keagamaan, kelompok kerja, kelompok pertemanan, dll.
4. Keluarga.
Lingkungan inti dimana seseorang hidup dan berkembang, terdiri dari ayah, ibu dan anak. Dalam keluarga perlu dicermati pola perilaku pembelian yang menyangkut:
– Siapa yang mempengaruhi keputusan untuk membeli.
– Siapa yang membuat keputusan untuk membeli.
– Siapa yang melakukan pembelian.
– Siapa pemakai produknya.
5. Pengalaman.
Berbagai informasi sebelumnya yang diperoleh seseorang yang akan mempengaruhi perilaku selanjutnya.
6. Kepribadian.
Kepribadian dapat didefinisikan sebagai pola sifat individu yang dapat menentukan tanggapan untuk beringkah laku.
7. Sikap dan kepercayaan.
Sikap adalah suatu kecenderungan yang dipelajari untuk bereaksi terhadap penawaran produk dalam masalah yang baik ataupun kurang baik secara konsisten. Kepercayaan adalah keyakinan seseorang terhadap nilai-nilai tertentu yang akan mempengaruhi perilakunya.
8. Konsep diri.
Konsep diri merupakan cara bagi seseorang untuk melihat dirinya sendiri, dan pada saat yang sama ia mempunyai gambaran tentang diri orang lain.

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