Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2015

Market segmentation products sunsilk anti-dandruff shampoo

Market segmentation products sunsilk anti-dandruff shampoo
Each company has a difference in the capacity to serve segmen-segmen different markets .Than must compete in all markets , where there are many competitors strong , the company better mengiden-tifikasi segmen-segmen market be the best ways .Marketing done has evolved from mass marketing ( mass marketing ) marketing products to various ( product-variety marketing ) until for marketing targeting marketing ( target ) ( kotler 2000 ) .In the past , marketers identify segmen-segmen market , choose one or more segments , and develop hotchpotch products and marketing accordance with masing-masing segments .Marketing marketers target can help in finding market opportunities better .With product development appropriate for each market target , penyesuaikan prices , the distribution , and advertising , they can reach target market efficiently .
Targeting marketing includes three stages namely market segmentation ( segmenting ) , the market ( targeting ) target , and determination of market position positioning )
A company specializing serving a different market segment , will superior in mastery market as suggested by mcdonald and dunbar ( 1995 ) .The more homogeneous , marketers know characteristic of consumers , needs , and their desire to a product .And with this marketing strategy , company can get a better position to competition , because they had a chance to producing products and develop marketing program in accordance with the market .By dividing market , will facilitate development program effectiveness of marketing for specific segments ( loudon and della bitta , ) 1993 .
Art weinstein ( 1987 ) offered definition segmentation the market as a process divide the market into segments of potential customers with because of a characteristic showing a common behavior purchase
The strategy of market segmentation provide some benefits , besides also weakness in its implementation ( loudon della bitta and , 1993 ) .Of benefits market segmentation is:
A. can detect quickly trends or trend in changing market .
B. can designing products that really fit with market demand .
C. can determine advertising campaign most effective .
D. can exert promotional funds available in the media who exactly at the segment that offers the potential profits are most large .
E. can arrange business promotion in accordance with ( coinciding with ) periods where market reaction is the biggest

While weakness seg-mentasi a market is:
A. production costs will be higher for a period of production shorter .
B. the cost of research higher because the need to examine more segments .
C. promotional costs higher as the discount media no .
D. the possibilities of overlapping pencakupan market , sparking cannibalism , where the sale of products stole the sale of products another in the same company .
1. The target segmentation market
The purpose of segmentation a market is to identify any chance market or potential products .After the companies must evaluate different segments market and decide how much will be .This is the selection process target market as suggested by the winter ( 1979 ) .In evaluating segmen-segmen different markets , must be considered size and pertum-buhan segments , attraction structural segments , and target and resources company
Consists of the target of buyers have need or traits joint decided to be served company .Company can use one of the market coverage ( market-coverage strategies ) which consists of marketing self same ( undifferentiated marketing ) , marketing self various ( differen-tiated marketing ) , and marketing ( concentrated centralized marketing ) as indicated swastha dh and irawan ( 1987 ) .
2. market position
The product is where the product settled relative to competitors mind ( trout consumers and rivkin 1996 ) .If a product considered it makes no difference to other products in the market , consumers no reason to pay for it .In determining market position , marketers set up a product to settle clear , different , and wanted for relative to produk-produk competitors in mind consumers target .The marketers plan positions distinguish their products from merek-merek rival and give the largest strategic in the target
A product can be positioned according to product attributes , the benefits offered , class products , the use of chance , and the end user .The product also can be positioned directly faced with competitors or abstinence from competitors .Marketers can meng-gunakan any one or combination of the strategies the determination of this position .With a pick a desired position , marketers must take strong steps to communicate such a position


1.1.       Latar Belakang Masalah

Berbagai kelebihan dan daya tarik produk ditawarkan oleh setiap pemasar untuk memberikan kepuasan pada konsumen. Salah satu jenis produk yang ditawarkan adalah produk-produk toiletries, meliputi sabun mandi, shampoo, bedak kulit, pasta gigi, cologne, dan sebagainya. Dan di antara perusahaan-perusahaan yang menguasai produk toilet di Indonesia adalah PT Unilever Indonesia, yang sudah ada sejak tahun 1934. Dengan usia yang begitu lama, Unilever jelas paling mahir dalam memahami pasar Indonesia dengan segala tabiat dan kebiasaannya.

Shampoo Sunsilk Anti-Dandruff sebagai salah satu produk Unilever akan dijadikan obyek dalam penelitian ini. Sunsilk Anti-Dandruff adalah suatu produk shampoo yang diposisikan sebagai shampoo anti ketombe. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari kemasan produknya yang mencantumkan kata-kata "Anti Dandruff Solution". Seperti diketahui, pasar shampoo anti ketombe di Indonesia tumbuh sangat cepat, jauh di atas shampoo biasa. Pada tahun 1996, pasar ini
mampu mencapai 50% pertumbuhan, sementara total pasar shampoo biasa tidak berubah. Menurut penelitian PT Procter & Gamble Indonesia, 40% penduduk Indonesia berketombe dan hanya 15% yang menggunakan shampoo anti ketombe. Masalahnya, konsumen ingin memakai shampoo itu, tetapi takut rambutnya menjadi kering, kaku dan rapuh.

Pasar yang dituju shampoo Sunsilk Anti-Dandruff adalah konsumen yang mempunyai masalah dengan ketombe dan mereka yang aktif serta memerlukan penampilan yang prima dalam masyarakat. Untuk mengetahui apakah segmentasi yang dilakukan Sunsilk Anti-Dandruff tersebut sesuai dengan kondisi pasar yang ada.

1.2. Rumusan Masalah

a.       Bagaimanakah segmentasi pasar produk shampoo Sunsilk Anti-Dandruff?

b.      Atribut-atribut apakah yang digunakan oleh konsumen dalam memilih shampoo Sunsilk Anti-Dandruff?

1.3. Tujuan Penelitian

Penelitian yang dilakukan pada konsumen pengguna shampoo Sunsilk Anti-Dandruff, yaitu mereka yang sedang menggunakan dan mereka yang pernah menggunakan shampoo Sunsilk Anti-Dandruff ini bertujuan:

a.       Mengidentifikasi segmen pasar produk shampoo Sunsilk Anti-Dandruff.
b.      Mengidentifikasi atribut-atribut yang digunakan oleh konsumen dalam memilih shampoo Sunsilk Anti-Dandruff.

Metodologi Penelitian
Dalam penelitian ini hanya diperlukan data primer untuk mengetahui respon konsumen tentang produk shampoo Sunsilk Anti-Dandruff. Data primer adalah data yang diperoleh secara langsung dari sumber, dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada responden.


Berdasarkan hasil analisis data tentang segmentasi pasar produk shampoo Sunsilk Anti Dandruff, maka dapat diambil beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut:

a.       Diketahui karakteristik konsu-men shampoo Sunsilk Anti Dandruff berdasarkan variabel demografis, geografis, perilaku, dan psikografis, yang sangat bermanfaat bagi perusahaan dalam mengidentifikasi konsumennya.

Terdapat 7 atribut penting produk shampoo Clear yang digunakan konsumen dalam memilih produk tersebut, yang diranking secara berturut-turut adalah: (1) Manfaat produk efektif bagi rambut dan kulit kepala; (2) Formula produk efektif dan berteknologi tinggi (Zinc System); (3) Harga produk yang terjangkau; (4) Kemudahan mendapatkan produk di toko ketika diperlukan; (5) Citra produk yang baik; (6) Desain kemasan produk menarik; (7) Iklan produk yang menarik. Ketujuh atribut produk ini merupakan faktor penting bagi konsumen dalam menentukan pilihan terhadap shampoo Sunsilk Anti Dandruff. Perusahaan dapat menonjolkan atribut-atribut produk yang dikehendaki oleh konsumen sehingga loyalitas mereka dapat terjaga.

c.       Hasil interpretasi analisis faktor adalah terdapat 6 faktor berdasarkan variabel gaya hidup dan 5 faktor berdasarkan variabel manfaat. Keenam faktor variabel gaya hidup berturut-turut adalah: Faktor aktif berorganisasi, Faktor percaya diri, Faktor memperhatikan penampilan, Faktor mengejar karier, Faktor hygienist, dan Faktor berprestasi. Dan kelima faktor variabel manfaat berturut-turut adalah: Faktor meningkatkan aktualisasi, Faktor merawat rambut, Faktor menjaga penampilan, Faktor merawat kulit kepala, serta Faktor mengatasi ketombe.

d.      Pasar produk shampoo Anti Dandruff dapat disegmentasi-kan berdasarkan variabel gaya hidup, yaitu Segmen aktif dan Segmen pasif, dan berdasarkan
e.       variabel manfaat, yaitu Segmen netral, Segmen aktualisasi, dan Segmen perawatan. Secara statistik, terdapat persamaan dan perbedaan proporsi karakteristik yang signifikan antar segmen berdasarkan karakteristik konsumen dan atribut produk.

The decision-making process consumers in determining the purchase of products bag

The decision-making process consumers in determining the purchase of products bag

A literature study
Consumer behavior was an act of directly involved in obtaining , consume , and disposing of a product or service , including the process decision that precedes and follow such action. According to loudon and bitta includes the decision-making process and activities undertaken by consumers physically deep pengevaluasian, the, use and obtain goods or services.According to hawkins, best and coney is the study of how individuals, a group or organization do election process, security, the use of and cessation of products, services, experience or idea to satisfy demand for consumers and the community. According to schiffman and kanuk is study had looked how individuals make a decision spend resources available and owned ( of time , money and effort ) to get their goods or services for consumption .Consumer behavior , as defined by prasetijo and ihalauw john ( 2005: 11 ) is the process of traversed by someone in search of , buy , use , evaluate and act after consumption of the product , services and idea which is expected to fulfill their needs .
Sumarwan (2003 : 25) Suggested that: unmannerly consumers is an act that directly involved in obtaining , consume , and spent products and services , including the process decision that precedes and follow this action .
American marketing association that quoted by amirullah ( 2002: 2 ) defines that: consumer behavior as interactions dynamic between the influence and cognition , behavior and the chain around us where people do the aspect of an exchange in their lives.
Kotler and keller ( 2007: 214 ) explained that the decision-making process is of psychological processes basic which play the role of understanding how consumers actually judge the purchase .The decision-making process was preceded by the need that seeks to be fulfilled .Meeting the needs of is related to several alternative so that needs to be done evaluation aims to obtain alternative best of consumer perceptions .In in the process compare this time, consumers need information in which the number and level their interests depends of the need for consumers and situation he faced .Decision the purchase will be done with use rules balance the positive side with the negative side a brand ( compensatory decision rule or find the best solution from the perspective of consumers ( non-compensatory decision rule ) , who after consumption of will be evaluated back.
Ralph c .Davis ( hasan , 2004 ) give a definition or or understanding the decision as a result the solution of the problems they have firmly .A decision is a definite answer to a question .The decision must be able to answer the question of what he was talking about in relation to planning .Decisions can also in the form of action on the implementation of that highly distorted from an originally planned .Mary follet give a definition or understanding as a decision or as legal situation .If all the facts from those situations can procures and semuayang involved , supervisory and good managers want to his sentence or fully comply with its requirements , it is not equal to obey an order .The authority live run , but it is the responsibility of the situation of the law.
The full decision the purchase bag owns the Elizabeth
Brand be a sign identity for the seller or the maker a product.Brand can actually be considered consumers in doing the process of purchasing products and kualitasa the bag.To certain groups owns the very influential in process do decision the purchase because it will tell that the wearer used to life luxurious or even simple.According to kotler in 2005, brand is a symbol complicated could deliver to six level understanding as follows :
-          Personality: a brand to reflect personality certain.
-          Value: a brand also said something of the value of producers would.
-          Budaya : suatu merek mungkin juga melambangkan budaya tertentu
-          Attributes: a brand can remind in certain atribut-atribut .
-          The wearer: a brand implying kind of consumers who buy or using a product.
-          Benefits: atribut-atribut to be translated into benefits functional and emotional.

The quality of a product
1.      The achievement of the quality of being better for an enterprise needed some a measure for experience in formulating policies concerning quality products as follows:
-          Function stuff: a consumers will be loyal wearing a product when function and its usefulness will give satisfaction the its own for those and this will require company to produce products that must be serves in accordance with the need consumers.
-          The cost of goods: the cost of a factor that must be considered by consumers because usually a goods who have the price is quite expensive will have an influence on the quality of and the quality of the products.
-          Outside like a form , color and susunanya: if form out of the goods unattractive although the quality of their goods will not necessarily consumers interested.

2.      Of factors affect consumers in the bag elizabeth products
A lot of products distributed in market so that it can for consideration alternative consumers in determining the purchase of a product a bag can support appearance .Are all dependent on taste , of needs and income dimilki by consumers .Factor that influences consumers in the products bag:
a.       Goods price to be about: consideration election prices are better suited to income or more economical a factor that self-important and must be paid attention in purchase products bag
b.      The quality of goods: usually a consumers the exclusion of this factor because seen in the eyes of consumer products bag exhibited by a company good in accordance their eyes it to be elected. People did not think of the quality of that bag the and very influential in the use of long-term
c.       Brand: consumer choice to decide details about what product actually did bought
d.      Revenue: somebody who have quite a high income will not much thought to how the cost of which he incurred to buy a bag of product , but other things with consumers who earns about quite definitely he will choose to meet the needs of more important than buy a product bag
e.      Consumer tastes: also merupakann tastes of factors affect a consumer against the interest of a product .If the desire of consumers high or good enough .Then the price not become one factor be a deterrent because price also determine how the quality of a product the bag
f.        The price of a substitute: likely to find consumer goods or services are relatively cheaper to be alternative use

3.      Hence the process decision the purchase of products bag Elizabeth

The process of decision model purchase have the assumption that the consumers do five phase in made the purchase .Above fifth stage not always happen , particularly in the purchase of that does not require the involvement of high in the purchase .Consumers can pass through several stages and the sequence not appropriate .

-          Recognize the process of buy begins with the introduction of needs, where buyers recognize that there are problems or needs.Buyers feel the difference between a real and a desirable state.
-          Search information at this stage consumers more seeking information because that is very important in determining the purchase bag elizabeth .Information can be obtained one of them is from:
a.       A source of personal: families , neighbor friend or acquaintance who once or knowing product bag was
b.      The commercial: advertising , agent , exhibits
c.       Source: handling experience, examination or a who ever used these products

-          Alternative evaluation
the information from buyers used to get a more clear about alternatif-alternatif faced and attraction masing-masing alternative
-          Decision the purchase
Producers must understand that consumers have our own in dealing with information obtained by restricting alternatif-alternatif to be elected or evaluated to determine products which would buy.The decision a buyer also affected by ciri-ciri personality, including age, work, the state of the economy.Consumer behavior will determine the decision making process in purchase.
-          Mannerisms post purchase
When goods bought unsatisfying expected, but customers will change his brand of the goods negative attitude be, maybe even would refuse to the list of choice.Otherwise when consumers be satisfied of goods he had purchased so desire to purchase of brand goods are inclined to be stronger.Producers must reduce feeling not happy or feeling negative on a product in a way that helps consumers find information confirming consumer choice through communication directed at orang-orang who just bought their products.
According to kotler ( 1997 ) there are some steps in taking a decision to conduct the purchase of understanding the purchase decision , kotler & according to amp; armstrong ( 2001: 226 ) is the stage in the decision-making process buyers where consumers actually buy .Decision-making is an individual activities that directly involved in obtaining and using of of merchandise offered.

Proses Pengambilan Keputusan Konsumen dalam Menentukan Pembelian Produk Tas
  1. Latar Belakang Masalah
Pada saat ini, industri fashion di Indonesia memiliki jenis produk yang sangat bervariasi karena mengikuti perkembangan zaman yang cepat seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi. Sehingga menuntut konsumen agar tetap cermat dan selektif dalam menunjang penampilan maupun dalam pemilihan produk tas. Dalam kehidupan sehari – hari dengan begitu banyak kebutuhan yang harus dipenuhi dalam bidang fashion maupun penampilan, salah satu kebutuhan fashion yang dibutuhkan oleh konsumen adalah tas. Belum lagi beberapa merk tertentu selalu mengeluarkan jenis dan warna yang bervariasi yang menimbulkan konsumen ingin memilki barang tersebut.
Perilaku masyarakat yang membutuhkan dan menginginkan produk dengan merk, kualitas, harga serta desain baru yang ditawarkan pada tingkat harga yang kompetitif merupakan potensi yang harus diperhatikan produsen untuk mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian konsumen. Untuk maju dan berkembang dalam proses pemasaran perusahaan harus mampu memahami kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen dimana kepada mereka nantinya produk tersebut akan dipasarkan.
Proses pengambilan keputusan diawali dengan kebutuhan. Dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan ini perlu dilakukan evaluasi untuk memperoleh alternatif terbaik dari persepsi konsumen. Konsumen memerlukan informasi yang jumlah dan tingkat kepentingannya tergantung dari kebutuhan konsumen serta situasi yang dihadapinya. Pemasar perlu mempelajari perilaku konsumen sebagai perwujudan dari seluruh aktivitas jiwa manusia itu sendiri. Model perilaku konsumen dapat diartikan sebagai suatu skema atau kerangka kerja yang disederhanakan untuk menggambarkan aktivitas – aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh konsumen. Pemasar juga perlu mengetahui peran apa yang dimainkan oleh setiap orang dan siapa yang terlibat dalam keputusan pembelian. Misalnya pria biasanya memilih sendiri untuk membeli sepatunya dan wanita lebih memilih sendiri pakaiannya.
Tujuan Analisis
  1. Untuk mengetahui jenis jenis tingkah laku apa saja yang terdapat dalam pengambilan keputusan.
  2. Untuk mengetahui bahwa dalam pengambilan keputusan diperlukan langkah – langkah untuk menentukan hasil akhir konsumen tersebut.
  3. Untuk mengetahui faktor – faktor apaa saja yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen.

Metode penelitian
Penelitian ini menggunakan survei langsung Dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan ini perlu dilakukan evaluasi untuk memperoleh alternatif terbaik dari persepsi konsumen.
Keputusan membeli oleh konsumen dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor eksternal maupun internal. Faktor eksternal meliputi informasi pemasaran dan lingkungan sosial budaya. Sedangkan faktor internal misalnya motivasi, persepsi, pembelajaran, kepribadian, sikap dan pengalaman.
Pengambilan keputusan konsumen juga dipengaruhi oleh situasi dimana proses dan perilaku beli terjadi. Situasi komunikasi, situasi pembelian, situasi penggunaan dan situasi penyingkiran produk semuanya menentukan keputusan pembelian. Lingkungan fisik, lingkungan sosial, waktu, tujuan pembelian, konsumsi dan suasana hati dapat diabaikan sebagai unsur yang sangat penting dalam keputusan membeli.